Sorry I'm not so great at getting everything on here and up to date! I'm trying and your donations would help! I said I would dedicate a page to my mission experience.... Remember that it may take a very long time... especially without any donations for my time! Patience is a virtue! I am working on writing about my MTC experience now and will over time get the rest of the mission and my experiences written down. NEWER posts appear at the bottom (meaning the stuff I have just added so it is in sequential order). Names my have been changed to respect the privacy of others.

The before facts

I figure I must start at the start. I received my mission call on 30 June 2005 (my parents' aniversary) at about 9AM. I was heading for work but felt the urge to check the post office first... so I did and there it was. I hurried home for a second and opened it right up. I had thought that Italy or Australia, maybe even Denmark would be cool places to go. I was called to the land of the Savior instead! El Salvador! The El Salvador San Salvador West mission-- spanish speaking of course. It was so exciting to tell all of my friends and family about it.

I was ordained an Elder by my father on 6 March 2005. I went through the Manti temple on 17 August 2005.

I had to recieve various shots and have two of my wisdom teeth out... I forgot to include those in the estimated cost to go on my mission, but that's what insurance is for.
The preparation costs to get me into the mission
It was quite pricy to get me out there. As you can see some things would actually cost more now, especially with the huge change in gas prices.

I never doubted that I was going to be of great help in El Salvador and that is where the Lord wanted me.

I never fully understood what the mission was like, because just like for any other missionary, nothing can be known or expected for sure. I just knew it was what I had to do.

I soon found myself in the MTC because the time went flying by. I had graduated from high school, worked for the summer, and was on my way!

1 comment:

Lori Thornbrue said...

Thanks for writing about your mission. Very nice!